Tim Burton's beloved creation receives delicate treatment at the hands of the McFarlane crew. From his wild tendrils of hair to his leather-booted feet, Edward Scissorhands appears every inch the duplicate of his 1990 cinematic incarnation. Particularly notable on the 7-inch figure are the finely detailed metalwork on the outfit (painted gold and silver) and the generous articulation. In addition to movement at the knees, hips, waist, neck, left arm, and shoulder, all of Scissorhand's fingers move independently. The figure comes with a Movie Maniacs stand and mini movie poster.

All fans of the movie "Edward Scissorhands" as well as admirer of Johnny Depp would love this item. I have seen many ornaments, toys and action figures of Jack Sparrow, but none have done very well in capturing the character's or Johnny's facial features or body characteristics as well as this one! It is truly Edward! All of the minute details (scars, buckles, etc) hair, leather suit, scissorhands, and other implements (down to the knife in his boot) are there. The figure also comes with a standup background with mini poster from the movie which really adds to the mood of the piece. Due to the intricate and fragility, it would not be recommended for children or for hard play. It is truly a display item. But if you love the movie or the actor, this is a must have!